Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Power of Rereading

When I look over my list of books to read and browse my “Books Worth Reading” board on Pinterest, it’s almost overwhelming to think about all the books there are in the world and what a small percentage I will actually get to read in my lifetime. (For reference, in the United States in 2011, nearly 300,000 books were published!!!) So far this year, I’ve put a concerted effort to focus on those awesome yet-to-be-read books that will make my world come alive.

But in the last week, it’s been books I’ve already read that have gotten my attention. These two books have come in very different forms, but it’s been refreshing to reflect on the power of rereading stories and the importance of taking a second look.

1. Macbeth by William Shakespeare

This is my third year reading Macbeth with my 10th graders, and each year I look at this play in a different light. The conversations and opinions of my students certainly influence me to look at characters in different ways, and ultimately, I come to the end of the unit with a completely new outlook on Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and even Banquo than when I began. It’s also amazing to me how much more I understand with each rereading. I also love being able to quote lines without having to check the book. In other word, rereading continues to make me into an expert!

2. In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

My good buddy Fran gave me this book way back in the good old days when we were college roommates. Having read Omnivore’s Dilemma, I devoured (haha- get it?) this book by local food expert Michael Pollan. In Defense of Food argues that what most of us eat on a regular basis is not, in fact, food, but “edible foodlike substances.” What follows is a well-crafted, fascinating argument for all of us to get back to eating real food in order to be healthier and happier people.

I’m still not done rereading this book, but it has given me a refreshing reminder of what it means to be a healthy eater. It has also inspired me to dive headfirst into making our vegetable garden the best it’s ever been- which is not a high bar, for the record. Taking a second look has been an inspiring start to spring, and it makes me excited for eating healthy summer food- not just foodlike substances!

Admittedly, I have not been the best reader lately, but rereading these two books, although for very different purposes, has reenergized me and made me feel excited for other books that I may read for the first of many times.

What books will you take a second look at this week to inspire and energize you?

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